Conquering el rio

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 3: New Country=New Experiences

We woke up this morning when it was still dark, to the sound of mysterious tropical animal noises.We've never been on a hike with a guy carrying a machete. We had fun talking to our Honduran guides who only spoke Spanish. We tasted cocoa beans, which grow in fruit on trees (who knew?), and termites, which we decided have a woody flavor (no surprise there). Never in the States would tourists be allowed to climb the slippery cliff of a waterfall-- but we got to do it in Honduras! Janie's Chacos dominated. Back at hippie/couple retreat camp, the food we ate wasn't new to us, but who can say that they've eaten bbq chicken wings in Honduras?
Spill Count: 5 glasses of various drinks, but no broken glass for once

1 comment:

  1. Is MML still able to ask a billion questions even in Spanish? :)
