Conquering el rio

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 11: Untitled

Mary McCall: Along with Jack, Dylan, and Davis, I attended the science class at the bilingual school this morning. It was taught by the doctor who started the hospital. During the class I drew a picture of the elementary teacher Julie. As the experiment for the day, there was a mold of a fossil and a cast of a fossil. At the beginning of class, the doctor handed the mold out, then the cast and at the end revealed . He asked me a question. I was lucky because it was a true/false question and I could tell the answer from his face.
Caroline: This morning for about three hours, Janie and I studied our schoolwork for the first time this trip... Thinking about that almost stresses me, but I can't quite bring myself to worry about school while I'm here in the sun. It certainly hasn't been a vacation, but it feels like summer. Life is delightfully slower and quieter and warmer here. In Honduras, time isn't felt as a pressure like it is in the States. But starting to work through my accumulating school assignments did give me somewhat of a reality check. I need to remember that back at home, time is still rushing forward without me, despite my refreshing feeling that the whole world has slowed down.

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